To view all webhooks for your organization, click on the "Server Settings" tab, and select "Advanced Settings", then click on "Webhooks".
Webhooks in OptiTune allow you to be automatically notified about certain events in OptiTune, through HTTP POSTs to urls you define.
Each webhook has an event type and event sub type. The event type is generally the name of a resource, such as "Account", "Computer", or "Group". The event sub type is generally an action, such as "Added", "Changed", "Deleted". In this way, you can create a web hook that will only be triggered when a "Computer" is "Added", for example. Or, if the sub type is "All", you can be notified when a "Computer" is "Added", "Changed", or "Deleted".
Webhooks can be created or deleted through the management console, but typically they will be managed through the OptiTune REST API.
If another product integrates with OptiTune through its REST API, you will be able to see any webhooks that it has created on this page as well as in the audit log.
This screen has the following columns:
Name - the name of webhook
Description - a short description of the webhook
State - is the webhook Enabled or Disabled?
Event Type - the type of webhook, for example "Account", "Computer", "Group"
Event Sub Type - the sub type of webhook, for example "Added", "Changed", "Deleted"
Target Computer/Group - if specified the webhook will only be triggered for a given computer or group
Url - the URL to make an HTTP POST to when the webhook is triggered
To add a new webhook, simply click on the "Add" button at the bottom of the screen. To edit a webhook, either click on its name, or select its checkbox and press "Edit". To delete one or more webhook, select them using their check boxes (hold down Shift to multi-select), and press the "Delete" button.