Audit Log
To view the audit log for your organization, click on the "Monitoring" tab, and select "Audit Log".
On this screen, you will find a listing of the audit events for your organization.
This screen has the following columns:
Date - The date and time of the activity, shown in your account's time zone.
Account - The OptiTune user account which performed the action.
Target - The target of the action, often a computer or group.
- Area - The area in OptiTune, which roughly corresponds to the main navigation tabs at the left side of the screen
Priority - The significance of the audit log entry. Higher priority numbers indicate more significant actions.
Type - The type of activity
Page Path - The page of the page in OptiTune, if any
Message - A message about the action performed
Result - The result of the action, 0 indicates failure, 1 indicates success
IP Address - The IP Address of the user performing the action in OptiTune
You can also filter the list of audit log entries using the following drop down lists:
Account - View entries made by the given user account.
Area - The area in OptiTune, which roughly corresponds to the main navigation tabs at the left side of the screen
Type - The type of resource affected (e.g. "Account", "Install Task", etc...)
Type Details - The action taken on the affected resource (e.g. "Added", "Changed", "Deleted").
Min Priority - The minimum priority of the event log entry to show. Higher priority indicates a higher level of effect or importance.
Result - 0 indicates failure, 1 indicates success, 2 indicates unknown
View Details
To view the details of an audit log entry, click on the text in the "Type" field.
To delete all audit log events, visit the Settings page.