macOS Agent Installers
To add a macOS installer in OptiTune, click on the "Computers and Groups" tab, select "Agent Setup", and under "macOS Agent Installer" click "Add". To edit an installer, click on its name, or click on its checkbox and then click "Edit".
Fill in the following information about the custom installer, and click "Save". Note that only "Name" and "Description" are required, the rest are optional fields.
Installer Description
Enter the name of the custom installer. This is for your reference only, and will not be seen by end users.
Enter a description of the custom installer. This is for your reference only, and will not be seen by end users.
Basic Settings
Associated Group
If you wish to automatically assign the computer this installer is executed on to a group in OptiTune, select it here. This fills in the Client ID value below.
Client ID
If you wish to automatically assign the computer this installer is executed on to a group in OptiTune, enter the Client ID associated with the group here. Note that the group must have an automatic membership rule which references this Client ID value, as is the case when you create groups using the Organizational Hierarchy. Read more about the Client ID and installers.
Download Availability
If you want a link to the custom installer executable to be accessible by anyone on the internet that has the URL link, check this checkbox, otherwise leave it blank, and only a logged in administrator will be able to download the installer.