Computer Metadata
To edit the "Extra Fields", or Metadata that is stored with each computer in OptiTune, click on the "Server Settings" tab, select "Advanced Settings", and then select "Computer Metadata (Extra Fields)" under "More Settings".
To load the default Metadata configuration, press the "Load Defaults" button at the top right, and click "Save Changes".
To edit the existing fields, or add or remove fields, press the "Edit" button, and make changes. Finally, click "Save Changes" to save your changes. Note that if you remove or change metadata fields, any such data fields which are currently associated with your organization's computers will be lost.
Field Types
You can create an arbitrary list of metadata fields, of the following types:
Integer - a number between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647
Long Integer - a number between -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
Real Number - a floating point number with ~15-17 digits of precision
Text - a text field
Guid - a field which stores a GUID, e.g. {22B1FF0F-1EE4-4F81-AF91-4ACA45301572}
Dropdown - a dropdown field which lets the user select one value from a list of values
Checkboxes - a list of checkboxes which lets the user select zero or more values
Date - a calendar date
All Fields
For each of these fields, enter the following information:
Name - the name of the variable
Description - a description for the variable
Default Value - the default value for the variable, if any
Text Fields
For text field, enter the following additional information:
Minimum Length - the minimum length of the string
Maximum Length - the maximum length of the string. Note that if this value is greater than 1024, a multi line text box will be shown for editing this metadata field.
Integer, Long Integer, Real Number Fields
For numeric fields, enter the following additional information:
Minimum Value - the minimum value accepted
Maximum Value - the maximum value accepted
Dropdown, Checkbox Fields
For dropdown and checkbox fields, enter the list of allowable values in the "Values List" text box.
For example:
For dropdown values, you can also include a number after the equals sign:
This is useful when you add new values to a list, and want to preserve existing metadata values.