Remote Support Settings
To view the current remote support settings, click on the "Remote Support" tab, then select "Settings". At the top of the page is a "Computer/Group" selector, which lets you select the computer or group whose settings you wish to edit. Click on the "Change" button to select a computer or group.
Remote Connect
In this section, you can enable/disable the Remote Connect feature for the selected group of computers, and set a notification message to be displayed to the end user when a Remote Connection is made to his or her computer.
Remote Connect
To enable Remote Connect for the selected group of computers, select "Enabled", otherwise select "Disabled".
Show Notification
To show a notification message to the end user when the Remote Connection tool is activated on the remote computer, select "Enabled", otherwise select "Disabled".
Notification Message
Enter the notification message to show to the end user. If the 'User Confirmation' checkbox is checked, the message should be phrased as a question as the message box will use Yes/No buttons instead of the OK button.
There are two variables that you can use in the notification message:
%fullname% - the full name of the administrator connecting to the remote computer
%username% - the local user name of the administrator connecting to the remote computer
A suggested message to show when using user confirmation is as follows:
Your OptiTune administrator is trying to connect to assist you.
Do you want to allow the connection from %fullname%?
User Confirmation
If this checkbox is checked, the prompt shown to the end user will use Yes/No buttons instead of just the OK button. The user must press Yes within 60 seconds for the remote connection to proceed. The Notification message should also be phrased as a question.
Remote Tools
In this section, you can enable/disable the Remote Tools, such as Command Prompt, Task Manager, and System Services for the selected group of computers, and set a notification message to be displayed to the end user when any remote tool is activated on a computer.
Remote Tools
To enable Remote Tools for the selected group of computers, select "Enabled", otherwise select "Disabled".
Show Notification
To show a notification message to the end user when a Remote Tool is activated on a computer, select "Enabled", otherwise select "Disabled".
Notification Message
Enter the notification message to show the end user.
Relay Server Settings
To allow access to computers that are behind a firewall, OptiTune's remote support solution allows the use of one or more "relay servers". If the administrator's remote access client software is not able to directly connect to a user's computer, because the user's computer is behind a firewall, or NAT device, then the user's computer and administrator's computer can both connect to each other using simple HTTPS outbound connections to a relay server, which will relay the traffic to each computer. This allows an OptiTune administrator to support users who may be traveling, and are behind highly restrictive firewalls that don't even allow VPN connections.
If both the administrator's computer and the user's computer will always be on the same local network, and the firewall port for the remote assistance server is open on the user's computer (TCP Port 9887), then you will not need to enable the relay server, as a local network connection will be established automatically by the remote assistance software. The remote assistance software will always try to establish a local connection first. If it is unable to establish a local network connection, and the relay server is enabled, it will then attempt to use the relay server to establish a connection.
Relay Server
To enable the use of a relay severs in establishing a remote support connection, select "Enabled", otherwise select "Disabled".
Selection Method
To select a relay server based on its proximity to the computer you are connecting to, select "Automatic". Otherwise, select "Manual", and enter the relay server you wish to use.
If the selection method is "Manual", specify the list of relay servers, one per line, that may be used to host a connection to the selected group of computers. Valid entries include an IP Address or DNS host name. Select a region, and press the "Load Defaults" button to use the default settings for this field. If you are hosting the OptiTune management server on your own hardware, you can also setup your own OptiTune relay server. Contact Bravura Software's technical support department for more details on this process, or see the documentation that comes with the OptiTune management server software.
Firewall Settings
Unblock Remote Assistance
Select "Enabled" to unblock the remote assistance port on the computer, to improve the odds of establishing a connection to the computer over the local network.
Unblock Remote Connect
Select "Enabled" to unblock the remote connect port on the computer, to improve the odds of establishing a connection to the computer over the local network.
Agent Settings
Prevent Agent Uninstall
If this setting is Enabled, a registry value is created which prevents the end user from uninstalling the OptiTune Agent.
If this setting is Disabled, the end user will be able to uninstall the OptiTune Agent.
Note that the registry value used is:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Bravura\OptiTune\ServiceClient [AllowUninstall]
AllowUninstall is a DWORD registry value. If it is 0, uninstall is not allowed. If it is not present or greater than 0, uninstall is allowed.
Save Changes
Press the "Save Changes" button to save any changes you have made.