To view all alert subscriptions for your organization, click on the "Monitoring" tab, and select "Subscriptions".
This screen has the following columns:
State - the state of the subscription, it can be Enabled or Disabled
Computer/Group - the computer or group of computers to monitor
Notification Group - the notification group to notify when an alert occurs
Mail Template - the mail template to use when notifying the notification group
Event Categories - the list of event categories to monitor. Only events in these categories are subscribed to.
Event Severities - the list of event severities to monitor. Only events with these severities are subscribed to.
To add a new alert subscription, simply click on the "Add" button at the bottom of the screen. To edit a subscription, select its checkbox and press "Edit". To delete one or more subscriptions, select them using their check boxes (hold down Shift to multi-select), and press the "Delete" button.