Windows Event Log Settings
To view the current windows event log settings, click on the "Monitoring" tab, then select "Windows Event Log", and then "Settings".
At the top of the page is a "Computer/Group" selector, which lets you select the computer or group whose settings you wish to edit. Click on the "Change" button to select a computer or group.
Capture Windows Event Log
To enable scheduled uploads of the windows event log to the OptiTune management server, change the "Capture Windows Event Log" field to "Enabled", and create an upload schedule with at least one schedule item.
After saving the changes below, the OptiTune agent will upload the selected event logs to the OptiTune management server according to the upload schedule defined.
Upload Schedule
Add at least one schedule item to the upload schedule, for when you want the OptiTune agent to upload windows event log data.
Event Logs
Specify which of the standard event logs you want to upload, including: Application, Security, Setup, System
Other Event Logs
Specify the 'full names' of additional event logs to upload, one per line.
To lookup the 'full name' of a particular windows event log, in Windows Event Viewer, click on a log, then click on the 'Properties' action on the right hand side. The full name will be shown in the properties dialog:

Event Types
Specify which types of events to upload, including: Critical, Error, Warning, Informational, Verbose
Number of Log Entries
Specify the number of event log entries to upload for each log specified above