Backup Settings
To view the current backup settings, click on the "Backup" tab, then select "Settings".
At the top of the page is a "Computer/Group" selector, which lets you select the computer or group whose settings you wish to edit. Click on the "Change" button to select a computer or group.
Each backup product that OptiTune integrates with is shown in a tab at the top of the screen. The settings are different for each backup product.
CloudBerry Backup Tab
To enable monitoring of CloudBerry Backup, change the "Backup Status Monitoring" field to "Enabled".
Because the CloudBerry Backup Agent is highly customized (and does not use a standard install location), you also need to specify the "Company Name" and "Product Name" from your CloudBerry Managed Backup portal. Otherwise, the OptiTune agent won't know where to look on the system to communicate with the CloudBerry backup agent.
Visit the CloudBerry Managed Backup portal, typically and click on "Settings > General" to see the "Company Name" and "Product Name" you are using. Copy and paste these into the fields in the OptiTune Backup Settings page, at "Company Name" and "Product Name".
Install Backup Agent
If you want OptiTune to install the CloudBerry Backup agent, change the "Install CloudBerry Agent" field to "Enabled".
Visit the CloudBerry Managed Backup portal, typically and click on "Settings > General" to obtain the "API 2.0 Credentials", shown in the image above.
Fill in the following fields:
- API User Name - copy this from "API 2.0 Credentials" in the CloudBerry Managed Backup portal, Settings > General
- API Password - copy this from "API 2.0 Credentials" in the CloudBerry Managed Backup portal, Settings > General
- Edition - select the edition of CloudBerry Managed Backup to install
- Backup User Email - enter the email of a user you've created in CloudBerry Managed Backup, described below
- Backup User Password - enter the password of a user you've created in CloudBerry Managed Backup, described below
To fill in the "Backup User Email" and "Backup User Password" fields, you will need to visit and click on "Users". Find a "Backup User" that you want to associate with the CloudBerry Backup agent, and copy the email and password into the OptiTune Backup Settings page, under "Backup User".